Thursday, June 11, 2009


Anatotitan escapes from the predator by hidding in the water deep down
Not tough enough
Anatotitan has a very good smelling sence
This dinosaur is so slow
Other people is fossle hunters to look for some dinosaur fossle
This dinosaur is a orthisian bird-hipped
Its like slow as a stegosaurus
The anatotitan lived in the late cretaceous
As nearly tall as a Iguanodon
Now this dinosar is gone because a astroad crashed the earth

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jordan

    That was an amazing poem you wrote about Anatotitan and you have a little mistke in your poem you might want to check it Jordan.You are a cool poem writer about dinoaurs and can you help us sometime PLEASE!!! Jordan.Any way hope you liked our comment and well done.

    your Sincerely Jarna and Jane
